Regress+ v2.8: Mathematical Modeling for MacOS
Traditional, Univariate Data Modeling: Equations and Distributions
- Plain textfile input
- Equations, with or without uncertainties (weights)
- Distributions, continuous or discrete data
- Discrete data grouped or ungrouped
- Datasets up to 4,294,967,295 points (minimum 7)
- Up to 10 parameters
- User-selected optimization criterion (where appropriate)
- Least squares
- Minimum average abs(residual)
- Maximum likelihood
- Minimum K-S statistic
- Minimum chi-square statistic
- Full, dated Report (textfile)
- Robust goodness-of-fit testing for distributions
- Tunable precision
- [Optional] State-of-the-art (BCa) central confidence intervals (90, 95 and 99 percent)
- Tunable precision
- High-quality (PDF, PNG) plots with one keystroke!
- X/Y plot, with or without error bars
- PDF plot
- CDF plot
- Probability plot for goodness-of-fit (see above)
- [Optional] Logarithmic axes (when appropriate)
- Editable axis labels
- Automatic tick marks/labels (see above)
- [Optional] Predictions for unobserved values or percentiles
- With confidence intervals if desired
- [Optional] Constant parameter(s)
- 21 Built-in Equations
- Plus user-defined model
- [Optional] Test residuals for systematic error
- [Optional] List data with fitted estimates and residuals
- [Optional] Simulated-annealing mode for initial parameter estimates
- 59 Built-in Distributions
- 9 continuous, symmetric
- 27 continuous, skewed
- 11 continuous mixtures
- 6 discrete
- 6 discrete mixtures
- [Optional] Creation of synthetic samples
- No hidden assumptions anywhere
- No approximations, apart from those common to sampling and bootstrapping generally
- No data transformations of any kind
- Extensive documentation
- Data Modeling with Regress+ (PDF, 90 pages, 43 figures, 14 tables)
- Compendium of Common Probability Distributions (PDF, 136 pages, 59 figures, also published separately)
- Sample input files
- Completely free! No cost, no license, no registration.
Platform Requirements
Regress+ v2.8 requires MacOS 10.11 (El Capitan) or later.
Regress+ ("Regress_plus") v2.8.3, signed and notorized, (11.4 Mb disk image, from
For older Macs, Regress+ 2.5.3, is still available
View the Documentation.
Who Uses Regress+ ?
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*** Update ***
Regress+ utilizes frequentist methodology. For a much more powerful, fully Bayesian alternative, check out MacMCMC.
Since this is a freeware package, with no registration requirements, feedback is problematical. If you have suggestions and/or comments and an active email client, please click
here to send an empty message. Any success stories attributable to Regress+ would be especially appreciated.