Kentuckiana, on the Shores of the Ohio...

Ohio River My next stop was New Albany, IN, at the Southeast campus of Indiana University. New Albany is very much a suburb of Louisville, KY so this part of the world was known as Kentuckiana. I did not realize it at the time, but this was to be my final academic position (at least, for the forseeable future). I had been a teacher for about nine years at this point and it was time for a change.

Perhaps it was the nearly constant, ticklish odor of sulfur dioxide in the air or the fact that teaching was becoming too routine or, simply, my own wanderlust, but I began to feel the need for challenges of a different kind.

Perhaps I was just tired of earning only $14,000 a year (my last academic salary).

KY Arts Center Whatever the case, IUS and I parted company after the Fall semester of 1979. I could have gone then to Midland, MI to work for Dow Chemical but I chose, instead, to move to McLean, VA, closer to the East coast where I grew up.